Friendly pages must be adapted to mobile navigation Safe browsing content or malware that could engage in deceptive practices Google runs a report to assess whether you have safe browsing issues on your site The HTTPS protocol in order to ensure a secure connection to users pages must be distributed in HTTPS A Google help page exists to help you know if your site is secure No intrusive interstitial the content of the pages must be easily accessible You should therefore avoid pop ups that cover the main content of the page when a user is trying to access a site or when they are browsing.
A page Google Quality Raters what is it Google Search Quality Raters also called Quality Raters by wedding photo editing service SEO experts are used to judge the quality of the results returned by the search engine Most of the time A B tests are carried out The Quality Rater does not directly influence search results but expresses an opinion which is taken into account by the engineers responsible for the engine s algorithms What are these Quality Raters for and How does Google use their ratings A Quality
Rater interviewed by SearchEngineLand explained that in his opinion Google was primarily seeking to perfect its algorithm Side by side evaluations make it possible to assess the consequences of a possible change in algorithms by submitting a before after report This is why feedback from Quality Raters is used to decide whether to launch a new algorithm or not Quality Raters cannot under any circumstances directly influence search results and they do not hav.