We also speak, more explicitly, of a web-to-store approach , but the acronym is used in marketing when we talk about the "ROPO effect": an expression which encompasses both consumer behavior and strategies. put in place by traders to take advantage of them, and the profits obtained . or online search, most often on Google, by typing the name of the product/service in question – this is the “Research Online” part.
from ROPO. These searches generally continue on third-party platforms marketplaces, comparison sites, etc., but can also be based on the brand's site or that of the merchant. Then, depending on the desired product/service, this same person is likely to abandon the Internet and Australia Phone Number go directly to the store – this is the “Offline Purchase” part of the ROPO. Why do consumers go to stores after searching online? Given the exponential growth of e-commerce +% over one year, for a total turnover of .
billion euros in mid- –Fevad figures, we can legitimately wonder what pushes consumers to abandon their online searches and suddenly decide to go to the store . How is the “Offline Purchase” dimension of the ROPO effect explained? Several answers can be put forward: Consumers want to make fully informed purchasing decisions . However, it is more practical and more effective to obtain information online, by consulting independent and neutral content, by reading customer reviews, etc.