Skeptical. This may not be anything new but it would be beneficial for you to start every sales process with this thought in mind. Customer trust is particularly hard to earn especially when it comes to a new product or brand. Among the known methods by is the use of phrases such as no hidden fees if you are not % satisfied we will gladly return your money. No questions. Another way would be to explain the.
Reason behind the price! If you explain why the price of your Email Marketing List product is lower people will trust you but you need to know that a low price does not always attract buyers often it even arouses suspicion. Another way to use trust as an emotional trigger is to be extremely specific in your copy. Among the words that trigger this emotion are absolutely scientific guaranteed nothing hidden proven etc Membership The sense of belonging is another strong emotional.
Trigger often addressed in the emotional marketing strategy due to the social need people often buy to feel part of a certain group. Why do you think there are people who only buy Nike Puma or Adidas Successful copywriters often appeal to their customers' desire to be part of a social group using text such as “Do you want to join a community of people who ” a Few people really want to be alone so customers often buy products in an attempt to feel like they.