Among them, mobile phones are mainly used to access the Internet. If your website is not responsive, you are likely to miss out on your growing user base. With location-based services on mobile devices, we can connect in ways that were unimaginable just four years ago. Most cell phone owners who don't let their phones out of their sight sleep with their phones next to their beds because they want to make sure they don't miss any calls, texts, or other updates during the night.
We have the ability to understand where our customers are and what their schedules look moible number data like (via their calendars). Are we that far away from walking into a store and automatically receiving special offers on our phones without using a check-in? The sky is the limit! Whether you decide to make a mobile app or create a responsive website, Every year is the year to incorporate mobility into your roadmap.

Local Takeaway Local mobile searches convert, so make sure you’re the one who shows up. rapidly over the past year and will continue to do so throughout the year. As mobile usage continues its inevitable upward trend, local searches on mobile devices will also soar. Local mobile searches for are said to convert into calls or visits within hours. It’s obvious that not keeping up with local SEO will only help your competitors.