Co-founder works with the founder and contributes to the development of the company. He may be responsible for certain aspects of the business, have his own responsibilities and believe in the success of the project as much as the founder. A co-founder typically has equal decision making power and is involved in all important aspects of the business, including developing the idea, obtaining funding, running the company, and growing the business.
A co founder can also contribute his knowledge, experience and contacts for the photo editing servies successful development of the company. For example, the founder of the Internet company Yandex was Arkady Volozh. And one of the co founders of the company was Ilya Segalovich. In tandem, they developed a search system that became very popular in Russia and contributed to the development of Internet technologies and information retrieval. Now Yandex offers not only search, but also search, maps, e commerce and other online services.

Knowing and understanding the co founder role is important because it allows you to better understand how a founding team works and how they build and grow their business together. Thus, the founder is the person who first came up with and launched the business, and the co founder is the partner who also participates in the creation and development of the company, working alongside the founder. Owner and Founder It is important to understand that the founder of the company is not always the owner.