You should avoid using articles (e.g. “a”, “the”) or pronouns in the URL, which don’t count for anything in terms of ranking, but which use precious characters. For example, if your blog post is called “10 ways to optimize a post for Google,” your URL will be “ways-optimize-post-Google.” 8. Think about the length of your post On average, blog posts are considered being SEO-friendly from 880 words in length.
However, greater importance is now being placed on “slow content”, longer Phone Number Data posts that deal with a specific topic in detail. As a result, a blog post is much more likely to rank well if it is somewhere around 2,000 words long. You shouldn’t be afraid to spend time creating well-crafted content that addresses the specific needs of your target audience, even if that means that you write fewer posts. However, you also shouldn’t spend time writing long posts without having anything valuable to say. visitor’s problem in 300 words than a post of 2,000 words that loses them completely.
Test your SEO and fine-tune once a post is written Before publishing a post, giving it the SEO version of the third degree can let you make some last-minute changes that might improve its ranking. Once written, copy the text into your preferred tool for optimizing SEO to estimate where it will be ranked by search engines. Your tool might recommend some small changes, like replacing certain words with synonyms, or reworking certain sentences.